Keep Wi-Fi enabled on an AVA remote (remove Airplane Mode)
What good is a remote without a Wi-Fi connection? Android’s “Airplane Mode” button is a system default that sometimes makes it a bit too easy for some customers to disable Wi-Fi on an AVA remote by accident. Here’s why this can happen, and how to prevent it.
Quick Settings in AndroidThe Android OS provides fast access to common settings through an easy access menu called “Quick Settings.” You access Quick Settings by swiping down from the top-center edge of the screen. A second swipe expands the Quick Access menu for more options.From this Quick Settings menu, you can disable Wi-Fi by enabling airplane mode, or by disabling Wi-Fi. |
Avoiding “Airplane Mode” AccidentsHere are a couple ways you can prevent a customer from accidentally disabling Wi-Fi through Quick Access. Use Kiosk ModeIf your customer uses AVA Remote for only a single application, then check out Kiosk Mode. Kiosk Mode prevents access to Quick Access and keeps the remote focused on the single application that you assign as its kiosk app. Learn more from this Smash Tech episode |
Remove Items from Quick SettingsYou can remove Airplane Mode and Wi-Fi from Quick Settings, and generally organize Quick Settings how you like. Remove Airplane mode and/or the Wi-Fi button by tapping the Edit pencil and then holding on either icon and then dragging it off screen.
Even More to Geek Out On!
Great that you made it this far in this How-To! Spend some time exploring Quick Access. This menu has some super cool options for you…such as starting a screen recording or sharing the AVA Remote’s screen to a Cast-enabled TV. You might not enable these for your customers, but you might use them in supporting your customers.